Neural Networks
- single unit that takes in a set of input nodes, multiplies those inputs by weights, and adds a bias node, returning an output of 1 or 0
- perceptron visualization:
Perceptron Algorithm
- For all points \((p,q) \text{ with label } y\):
- Calculate \(\hat{y} = step(w_{1} \cdot x_{1} + w_{2} \cdot x_{2} + b)\)
- If the point is correctly classified: do nothing
- If the point is classified positive, but it has a negative label: \(w_{1} - \alpha \cdot p\), \(w_{2} - \alpha \cdot q\), \(b - \alpha\)
- If the point is classified negative, but it has a positive label: \(w_{1} + \alpha \cdot p\), \(w_{2} + \alpha \cdot q\), \(b + \alpha\)
- (Where \(\alpha =\) learning rate)
Error Function
- measures the model’s performance
- must be continuous, not discrete, there should always be a direction towards a more optimal error
Importance of Activation Functions
- add non-linearity to a neural network, or else the entire neural network could be represented more simply by a single linear neuron
- squashes unbounded linear outputs from neuron so they do not explode
Sigmoid Activation Function
- sigmoid graph and equation:
- takes in all real numbers and outputs a probability between 0 and 1
- allows a continuous error function
Softmax Function
- allows you to take linear set of scores for multiple classes and generate probabilities for each class that sum to 0
- exponent function used to avoid negative values (which can cause division by 0 if allowed)
- softmax equation:
- Linear output of scores for \(n\) classes: \(Z_{1},Z_{2},\ldots,Z_{n}\)
- \[P(\text{class } i) = \frac{e^{Z_{i}}}{e^{Z_{1}}+e^{Z_{2}}+\ldots+e^{Z_{n}}}\]
- softmax with 2 classes: \(n=2 \implies softmax(x)=sigmoid(x)\)
One-Hot Encoding
- with data that has multiple classes, assign a vector to each class (such that there is a 1 in the row that corresponds to the presence of the class, and the rest are all 0s)
Maximum Likelihood
- method of picking the model that gives the existing labels the highest probability
- how likely a model’s predictions are correct = product of the probabilities that every point is its labeled class
- maximizing the product of probabilities = best model
Cross-Entropy Error Function
Cross-Entropy Motivation
- maximum likelihood is able to measure a model’s performance
- products = hard to compute and yield small numbers (instead use sums = easy to calculate)
- use logs, because of the property \(log(ab) = log(a) + log(b)\) (allows our products to turn into sums)
- log(number_between_0_and_1) = negative numbers (instead use -log() = positive)
- if we use -log(), minimizing -log() = best model (because before, larger product = better model, and log(large_product) = small number, so now we need to minimize)
Cross-Entropy Notation
- \(m\) : number of training samples
- \(X_{i}\) : a specific train sample \(i\)
- \(n\) : number of features
- \(w_{j}\) : a specific feature weight
- \(x_{j}\) : a specific input feature
- \(\hat{y}_{i}\) : prediction for a specific train sample \(i\)
Cross-Entropy Equations
- Calculate predictions:
- Cross Entropy (2 classes):
- Cross Entropy (2 classes, with W = weights, b = bias):
- Cross Entropy (n classes):
Cross-Entropy Explanations
- y = 1 or 0, therefore only one term in the summation is chosen, and that term will calculate the ln() of the correct probability, then sum the negative ln’s
- only take -ln() of probabilities that matter, formula when n = 2 turns out to be cross entropy formula for 2 classes
Gradient Descent
Gradient Descent Motivation
- we want to minimize the cross-entropy error to find the best model
- we need to find the lowest valley in the graph of error function and weights as that is where the error is least
- by taking negative partial derivative of error function with respect to each weight that is the direction to move in towards a lower error and a better model
- therefore we simply need to calculate the gradient of the error
- also gradient = scalar x coordinates of point (scalar = label - prediction), this means label close to the prediction = small gradient
Gradient Descent Notation
- \((x_{1},\ldots,x_{n})\) : features for a specific training sample
- \(X\) : vector of features
- \(X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{m}\) : features vectors for \(m\) training samples
- \(y\) : label for training samples
- \(\hat{y}\) : predictions from algorithm for training samples
- \(E\) : cross entropy error
- \(\nabla E\) : gradient of error
- \((w_{1},\ldots,w_{n})\) : weights of algorithm
- \(\sigma(x)\) : sigmoid function
- \(\text{subscript}\ \ i\) : for specific training sample
GD Single Train Sample \(\nabla E_{i}\)
For a single training sample, \(X_{i}\):
\[\begin{align}\nabla E_{i} &= (\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{1}}E_{i},\ldots,\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{n}}E_{i},\frac{\partial}{\partial b}E_{i})\\ &= (\hat{y}_{i}-y_{i})(x_{1},\ldots,x_{n},1)\end{align}\]Proof.
\[\text{Individual training sample predictions:}\\ \hat{y}_{i}=\sigma(WX_{i}+b)\] \[\text{Individual training sample error:}\\ E_{i}=-y_{i}\ln(\hat{y}_{i})-(1-y_{i})\ln(1-\hat{y}_{i})\] \[\text{Gradient is equal to partial derivatives of error for each weight:}\\ \nabla E_{i} = (\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{1}}E_{i},\ldots,\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{n}}E_{i},\frac{\partial}{\partial b}E_{i})\\\\\] \[\text{Sigmoid function derivative:}\\ \begin{align} \sigma'(x) &=\frac{d}{dx}\left(\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}\right) \\ &=\frac{e^{-x}}{(1+e^{-x})^{2}} &&\text{(quotient rule)} \\ &=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}\cdot \frac{e^{-x}}{1+e^{-x}} \\ &=\sigma(x)(1-\sigma(x))&&\text{(long division)}\\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Partial derivative of prediction:}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}\hat{y}_{i}&=\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}(\sigma(WX_{i}+b)) &&(\hat{y}_{i}\text{ formula)} \\ &= \sigma(WX_{i}+b)(1-\sigma(WX_{i}+b))\cdot\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}(WX_{i}+b) &&(\sigma'(x) \text{ formula)}\\ &= \hat{y}_{i}(1-\hat{y}_{i})\cdot\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}(WX_{i}+b) \\ &= \hat{y}_{i}(1-\hat{y}_{i})\cdot\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}(w_{1}x_{1}+\ldots+w_{j}x_{j}+\ldots+w_{n}x_{n}+b) \\ &= \hat{y}_{i}(1-\hat{y}_{i})\cdot(0+\ldots+x_{j}+\ldots+0) &&\text{(partial derivative)}\\ &= \hat{y}_{i}(1-\hat{y}_{i})\cdot x_{j}\\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Partial derivative of error:}\] \[\begin{align}\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}E_{i}&=\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}(-y_{i}\ln(\hat{y}_{i})-(1-y_{i})\ln(1-\hat{y}_{i})) &&(E_{i}\text{ formula)}\\ &= -y_{i}(\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}(\ln(\hat{y}_{i})))-(1-y_{i})(\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}(\ln(1-\hat{y}_{i})))\\ &= -y_{i}(\frac{1}{\hat{y}_{i}}\cdot\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}(\hat{y}_{i}))-(1-y_{i})(\frac{1}{1-\hat{y}_{i}}\cdot\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}(1-\hat{y}_{i})) &&\text{(chain rule)}\\ &= -y_{i}(\frac{1}{\hat{y}_{i}}\cdot\hat{y}_{i}(1-\hat{y}_{i})x_{j})-(1-y_{i})(\frac{1}{1-\hat{y}_{i}}\cdot(-1)\hat{y}_{i}(1-\hat{y}_{i})x_{j})&&(\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}\hat{y}_{i}\text{ formula)}\\ &= -y_{i}(1-\hat{y}_{i})x_{j}+(1-y_{i})\hat{y}_{i}\cdot x_{j}\\ &= (-y_{i}+y_{i}\hat{y}_{i}+\hat{y}_{i}-y_{i}\hat{y}_{i})x_{j}\\ &= -(y_{i}-\hat{y}_{i})x_{j}\\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{By a similar proof:}\] \[\frac{\partial}{\partial b}E_{i}=-(y_{i}-\hat{y}_{i})\\\\\] \[\text{Gradient of error:}\] \[\begin{align} \nabla E_{i} &= (\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{1}}E_{i},\ldots,\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{n}}E_{i},\frac{\partial}{\partial b}E_{i})\\ &= \left(-(y_{i}-\hat{y}_{i})x_{1},\ldots,-(y_{i}-\hat{y}_{i})x_{n},-(y_{i}-\hat{y}_{i})\right)\\ &= -(y_{i}-\hat{y}_{i})(x_{1},\ldots,x_{n},1)\\ &= (\hat{y}_{i}-y_{i})(x_{1},\ldots,x_{n},1)\ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\ \end{align}\]GD Overall \(\nabla E\)
For \(m\) training samples:
\[\nabla E = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}(\hat{y}_{i}-y_{i})(x_{1},\ldots,x_{n},1)\]Proof.
\[\text{Overall error = average of individual train sample errors:}\] \[E=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}E_{i}\] \[\text{Overall gradient of error = average of individual train sample gradients:}\] \[\begin{align}\nabla E &= \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}\nabla E_{i}\\ &=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}(\hat{y}_{i}-y_{i})(x_{1},\ldots,x_{n},1)\ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\\end{align}\]Logistic Regression Algorithm
When Batch Size \(=1\)
- Initialize random weights: \(w_{1},\ldots,w_{n},b\)
- For every train sample: \(X_{1},\ldots,X_{m}\)
- Update weights: \(w_{j}\leftarrow w_{j}-\alpha\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}E_{i}\)
- Update bias: \(b\leftarrow b-\alpha\frac{\partial}{\partial b}E_{i}\)
- Repeat until error is small
When Batch Size \(=m\)
- Initialize random weights: \(w_{1},\ldots,w_{n},b\)
- For every batch:
- Update weights:\(w_{j}\leftarrow w_{j}-\alpha\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}\frac{\partial}{\partial w_{j}}E_{i}\)
- Update bias:\(b\leftarrow b-\alpha\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}\frac{\partial}{\partial b}E_{i}\)
- Repeat until error is small
Neural Networks
- Built using Multi-Layer Perceptrons: essentially many layers of perceptrons feeding into one another such that each successive perceptron multiplies it’s input perceptrons by a learned weight
- Allows us to obtain non-linear models from linear models
- Deep Neural Network: has many layers of neurons
- Multi-Class Classification: apply softmax to the scores of multiple output perceptrons (bounds sum of probabilities for each class between 0 and 1)
NN Notation
- \(m\) : number of training samples
- \((x_{1},\ldots,x_{n})\) : features for a specific training sample
- \(X\) : vector of features
- \(X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{m}\) : features vectors for \(m\) training samples
- \(y\) : label for training samples
- \(\hat{y}\) : predictions from algorithm for training samples
- \(E\) : cross entropy error
- \(\nabla E\) : gradient of error
- \(\sigma(x)\) : sigmoid function
- \(W^{(l)}_{ij}\) : weight of layer \(l\) that connects input neuron \(i\) to output neuron \(j\)
- \(W^{(l)}\) : weights vector for layer \(l\)
- \(s_{l}\) : number of neurons in layer \(l\)
- \(L\) : number of layers, including input layer
- \(z^{(l)}_{j}\) : the output of the \(j^{\text{th}}\) neuron in the \(l^{\text{th}}\) layer before applying sigmoid function
- \(a^{(l)}_{j}\) : the output of the \(j^{\text{th}}\) neuron in the \(l^{\text{th}}\) layer after applying sigmoid function
- \(\text{subscript}\ \ i\) : for specific training sample
NN Forward Propagation Equations
- Calculating NN predictions for train sample \(X_{i}\):
- Example when \(L=4\):
NN Backpropagation
Backprop Method Overview
- Perform Forward Propagation
- Calculate error
- Propagate error backwards (spread error to all weights)
- Update all weights using propagated error
- Loop until satisfied with error
Backprop Intuitive Understanding
- given a model’s error, propagate error backwards by decreasing the weights of neurons that had stronger connections over those that had weaker connections
- the error is caused more by those neurons with strong connections (or large weights), and decreasing their weights will reduce the effects of the erroneous neuron
- same as single perceptrons, calculate gradient of error function (which is more complex now) and use the gradient to update weights to descend to local minima
Why Understand Backprop?
- reference
- vanishing gradient problem: when error is back propagated through a NN, the gradient will decrease the further you move towards input layers (due to sigmoid activation function)
- must understand backpropagation intuition and math as if you do not, you can unintentionally stop NN training
- if you have sigmoid, relu, or any type of function that “cuts gradient flow”, like a hard thresholding of values (no matter if forward or backward propagation), then gradient will compute to 0 as taking derivative of something with 0 slope yields 0
- To Prevent Issues:
- initialize weights properly
- do not incorporate anything into NN that will “cut gradient flow” (the derivative of the thing yields 0 and that is being multiplied to calculate gradient)
- check to make sure neurons are learning and gradients do not = 0
Sample NN Diagram
Calculating \(\frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{11}}E\)
For the sample NN:
\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{11}}E &= \left(\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})}\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(\left(W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot a_1^{(3)}(1-a_1^{(3)}) \cdot W_{11}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot a_2^{(3)}(1-a_2^{(3)}) \cdot W_{12}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot a_3^{(3)}(1-a_3^{(3)}) \cdot W_{13}^{(2)}\right)\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(2)}(1-a_1^{(2)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(1)}\right) \end{align}\]Proof.
\[\text{For simplicity, Let:}\] \[\begin{align} x_1=a_1^{(1)},\ x_2&=a_2^{(1)},\ x_3=a_3^{(1)}, \\ \hat{y}&=a_1^{(4)} \end{align}\] \[\text{Equations from sample NN:}\] \[\begin{align} z_1^{(2)} &= W_{11}^{(1)}a_1^{(1)} + W_{21}^{(1)}a_2^{(1)} + W_{31}^{(1)}a_3^{(1)} \\ a_1^{(2)} &= \sigma(z_1^{(2)}) \\ z_1^{(3)} &= W_{11}^{(2)}a_1^{(2)} + W_{21}^{(2)}a_2^{(2)} + W_{31}^{(2)}a_3^{(2)} + W_{41}^{(2)}a_4^{(2)}\\ a_1^{(3)} &= \sigma(z_1^{(3)}) \\ z_2^{(3)} &= W_{12}^{(2)}a_1^{(2)} + W_{22}^{(2)}a_2^{(2)} + W_{32}^{(2)}a_3^{(2)} + W_{42}^{(2)}a_4^{(2)}\\ a_2^{(3)} &= \sigma(z_2^{(3)}) \\ z_3^{(3)} &= W_{13}^{(2)}a_1^{(2)} + W_{23}^{(2)}a_2^{(2)} + W_{33}^{(2)}a_3^{(2)} + W_{43}^{(2)}a_4^{(2)}\\ a_3^{(3)} &= \sigma(z_3^{(3)}) \\ z_1^{(4)} &= W_{11}^{(3)}a_1^{(3)} + W_{21}^{(3)}a_2^{(3)} + W_{31}^{(3)}a_3^{(3)} \\ a_1^{(4)} &= \sigma(z_1^{(4)}) \\ E &= -y\ln(a_1^{(4)})-(1-y)\ln(1-a_1^{(4)})\\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Recall chain rule:}\] \[\frac{\partial C}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial A}{\partial x} \cdot \frac{\partial B}{\partial A} \cdot \frac{\partial C}{\partial B}\\\\\] \[\text{The following is incorrect use of chain rule:}\] \[\frac{\partial E}{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial a_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(4)}}{\partial z_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(4)}}{\partial a_1^{(3)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(3)}}{\partial z_1^{(3)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(3)}}{\partial a_1^{(2)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(2)}}{\partial z_1^{(2)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(2)}}{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}} \\\\\] \[\begin{align} \text{Incorrect because it only propagates error from }& a_1^{(4)}\to a_1^{(3)}\to a_1^{(2)}\to W_{11}^{(1)} \\ \text{And neglects error that also propagates from }& a_1^{(4)}\to a_2^{(3)}\to a_1^{(2)}\to W_{11}^{(1)} \\ \text{as well as from }& a_1^{(4)}\to a_3^{(3)}\to a_1^{(2)}\to W_{11}^{(1)} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Correct use of chain rule:}\] \[\frac{\partial E}{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial a_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(4)}}{\partial z_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(4)}}{\partial a_1^{(2)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(2)}}{\partial z_1^{(2)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(2)}}{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}} \\\\\] \[\text{Calculating partial derivatives:}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial E}{\partial a_1^{(4)}}&=\frac{\partial}{\partial a_1^{(4)}}(-y\ln(a_1^{(4)})-(1-y)\ln(1-a_1^{(4)}))\\ &=-y\cdot\frac{\partial}{\partial a_1^{(4)}}(\ln(a_1^{(4)})-(1-y)\cdot\frac{\partial}{\partial a_1^{(4)}}(\ln(1-a_1^{(4)}))\\ &=-y\cdot\frac{1}{a_1^{(4)}}\cdot 1-(1-y)\cdot\frac{1}{1- a_1^{(4)}}\cdot -1\\ &=\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial a_1^{(4)}}{\partial z_1^{(4)}} &= \frac{\partial }{\partial z_1^{(4)}}(\sigma(z_1^{(4)})) \\ &= \sigma(z_1^{(4)})(1-\sigma(z_1^{(4)})) &&(\sigma'(x)=\sigma(x)(1-\sigma(x)) \\ &= a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)}) &&(a_1^{(4)}=\sigma(z_1^{(4)})) \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial z_1^{(4)}}{\partial a_1^{(2)}} &= \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(W_{11}^{(3)}a_1^{(3)} + W_{21}^{(3)}a_2^{(3)} + W_{31}^{(3)}a_3^{(3)}) \\ &= \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(W_{11}^{(3)}\sigma(z_1^{(3)}) + W_{21}^{(3)}\sigma(z_2^{(3)}) + W_{31}^{(3)}\sigma(z_3^{(3)})) \\ &= W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(\sigma(z_1^{(3)})) + W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(\sigma(z_2^{(3)})) + W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(\sigma(z_3^{(3)})) \\ &= W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot \sigma(z_1^{(3)})(1-\sigma(z_1^{(3)})) \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(z_1^{(3)}) \\ &\phantom{0000} + W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot \sigma(z_2^{(3)})(1-\sigma(z_2^{(3)})) \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(z_2^{(3)}) \\ &\phantom{0000} + W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot \sigma(z_3^{(3)})(1-\sigma(z_3^{(3)})) \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(z_3^{(3)}) \\ &= W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot a_1^{(3)}(1-a_1^{(3)}) \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(z_1^{(3)}) \\ &\phantom{0000} + W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot a_2^{(3)}(1-a_2^{(3)}) \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(z_2^{(3)}) \\ &\phantom{0000} + W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot a_3^{(3)}(1-a_3^{(3)}) \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(z_3^{(3)}) \\ &= W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot a_1^{(3)}(1-a_1^{(3)}) \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(W_{11}^{(2)}a_1^{(2)} + W_{21}^{(2)}a_2^{(2)} + W_{31}^{(2)}a_3^{(2)} + W_{41}^{(2)}a_4^{(2)}) \\ &\phantom{0000} + W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot a_2^{(3)}(1-a_2^{(3)}) \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(W_{12}^{(2)}a_1^{(2)} + W_{22}^{(2)}a_2^{(2)} + W_{32}^{(2)}a_3^{(2)} + W_{42}^{(2)}a_4^{(2)}) \\ &\phantom{0000} + W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot a_3^{(3)}(1-a_3^{(3)}) \cdot \frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(W_{13}^{(2)}a_1^{(2)} + W_{23}^{(2)}a_2^{(2)} + W_{33}^{(2)}a_3^{(2)} + W_{43}^{(2)}a_4^{(2)}) \\ &= W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot a_1^{(3)}(1-a_1^{(3)}) \cdot \left(\frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(W_{11}^{(2)}a_1^{(2)}) + 0 + 0 + 0 \right) \\ &\phantom{0000} + W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot a_2^{(3)}(1-a_2^{(3)}) \cdot \left(\frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(W_{12}^{(2)}a_1^{(2)}) + 0 + 0 + 0 \right) \\ &\phantom{0000} + W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot a_3^{(3)}(1-a_3^{(3)}) \cdot \left(\frac{\partial }{\partial a_1^{(2)}}(W_{13}^{(2)}a_1^{(2)}) + 0 + 0 + 0 \right) \\ &= \left(W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot a_1^{(3)}(1-a_1^{(3)}) \cdot W_{11}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot a_2^{(3)}(1-a_2^{(3)}) \cdot W_{12}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot a_3^{(3)}(1-a_3^{(3)}) \cdot W_{13}^{(2)}\right) \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial a_1^{(2)}}{\partial z_1^{(2)}} &= \frac{\partial }{\partial z_1^{(2)}}(\sigma(z_1^{(2)})) \\ &= \sigma(z_1^{(2)})(1-\sigma(z_1^{(2)})) \\ &= a_1^{(2)}(1-a_1^{(2)}) \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial z_1^{(2)}}{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}} &= \frac{\partial }{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}}(W_{11}^{(1)}a_1^{(1)} + W_{21}^{(1)}a_2^{(1)} + W_{31}^{(1)}a_3^{(1)}) \\ &= \frac{\partial }{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}}(W_{11}^{(1)}a_1^{(1)}) + 0 + 0 \\ &= a_1^{(1)} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Using calculated partial derivatives and chain rule:}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial E}{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}} &= \frac{\partial E}{\partial a_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(4)}}{\partial z_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(4)}}{\partial a_1^{(2)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(2)}}{\partial z_1^{(2)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(2)}}{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}} \\\\ &= \left(\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})}\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(\left(W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot a_1^{(3)}(1-a_1^{(3)}) \cdot W_{11}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot a_2^{(3)}(1-a_2^{(3)}) \cdot W_{12}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot a_3^{(3)}(1-a_3^{(3)}) \cdot W_{13}^{(2)}\right)\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(2)}(1-a_1^{(2)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(1)}\right) \ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\ \end{align}\]Calculating \(\frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{21}}E\)
For the sample NN:
\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{21}}E &= \left(\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})}\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(\left(W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot a_1^{(3)}(1-a_1^{(3)}) \cdot W_{11}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot a_2^{(3)}(1-a_2^{(3)}) \cdot W_{12}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot a_3^{(3)}(1-a_3^{(3)}) \cdot W_{13}^{(2)}\right)\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(2)}(1-a_1^{(2)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_2^{(1)}\right) \end{align}\]Proof.
\[\text{Virtually identical proof as $\frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{11}}E$,} \\ \text{Except for one partial derivative:}\] \[\frac{\partial E}{\partial W_{11}^{(1)}} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial a_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(4)}}{\partial z_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(4)}}{\partial a_1^{(2)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(2)}}{\partial z_1^{(2)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(2)}}{\partial W_{21}^{(1)}} \\\\\] \[\text{Calculating $\frac{\partial z_1^{(2)}}{\partial W_{21}^{(1)}}$:}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial z_1^{(2)}}{\partial W_{21}^{(1)}} &= \frac{\partial }{\partial W_{21}^{(1)}}(W_{11}^{(1)}a_1^{(1)} + W_{21}^{(1)}a_2^{(1)} + W_{31}^{(1)}a_3^{(1)}) \\ &= 0 + \frac{\partial }{\partial W_{21}^{(1)}}(W_{21}^{(1)}a_2^{(1)}) + 0 \\ &= a_2^{(1)} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Reusing previously calculated partial derivatives,} \\ \text{and $\frac{\partial z_1^{(2)}}{\partial W_{21}^{(1)}}$, yields desired result} \ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\\]Calculating \(\frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(3)}_{11}}E\)
For the sample NN:
\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(3)}_{11}}E &= \left(\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})}\right) \cdot \left(a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})\right) \cdot \left( a_1^{(3)}\right) \end{align}\]Proof.
\[\text{For simplicity, Let:}\] \[\begin{align} x_1=a_1^{(1)},\ x_2&=a_2^{(1)},\ x_3=a_3^{(1)}, \\ \hat{y}&=a_1^{(4)} \end{align}\] \[\text{Equations from sample NN:}\] \[\begin{align} z_1^{(4)} &= W_{11}^{(3)}a_1^{(3)} + W_{21}^{(3)}a_2^{(3)} + W_{31}^{(3)}a_3^{(3)} \\ a_1^{(4)} &= \sigma(z_1^{(4)}) \\ E &= -y\ln(a_1^{(4)})-(1-y)\ln(1-a_1^{(4)})\\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Using chain rule:}\] \[\frac{\partial E}{\partial W_{11}^{(3)}} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial a_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial a_1^{(4)}}{\partial z_1^{(4)}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_1^{(4)}}{\partial W_{11}^{(3)}} \\\\\] \[\text{From proof for $\frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{11}}E$:}\] \[\frac{\partial E}{\partial a_1^{(4)}}=\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})} \\\\\] \[\frac{\partial a_1^{(4)}}{\partial z_1^{(4)}} = a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)}) \\\\\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial z_1^{(4)}}{\partial W_{11}^{(3)}} &= \frac{\partial }{\partial W_{11}^{(3)}}(W_{11}^{(3)}a_1^{(3)} + W_{21}^{(3)}a_2^{(3)} + W_{31}^{(3)}a_3^{(3)}) \\ &= \frac{\partial }{\partial W_{11}^{(3)}}(W_{11}^{(3)}a_1^{(3)}) + 0 + 0 \\ &= a_1^{(3)} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\frac{\partial E}{\partial W_{11}^{(3)}} = \left(\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})}\right) \cdot \left(a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})\right) \cdot \left( a_1^{(3)}\right) \ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\\]Backprop Algorithm Pseudo-Code
for simplicity, bias units and regularization are left out
Bike Sharing Dataset With Implemented Pseudo-Code
- \(M=\) number of training examples
- \(m=\) batch size (assuming \(M\) divisible by \(m\))
- \(E=\) number of epochs to train for
- \(L=\) number of NN layers
- \(n=\) number of features per train sample
- \(c=\) number of classes
- \(\alpha=\) learning rate
- \([s_1,s_2,\ldots,s_l,\ldots,s_L] =\) number of neurons per layer list
Notation (Pythonic)
- same notation as NN Notation
: numpy dot product of vectorsnp.ndarray.T
: numpy matrix transpose*
: numpy element-wise multiplicationnp.ndarray.shape
: numpy array shapesigmoid()
: sigmoid function
Training Data (Pythonic)
- All training samples: \(X, Y\) numpy array
- Each training sample has features: \(X[i]=[[x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n]]\)
- Each training sample has labels: \(Y[i]=[[y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_c]]\)
Object Attributes (Pythonic)
- Let \(len(W)=L\)
- for \(l\) in \(range(1,(L-1)+1)\)
- Let \(W[l].shape=(s_{l+1},s_l)\)
- Implies \(W[l][j].shape=(s_l,)\)
- Implies \(W[l][j]=\text{vector of length}\ s_l\)
- Let \(grad\_sum\_W[l].shape=(s_{l+1},s_l)\)
- Let \(W[l].shape=(s_{l+1},s_l)\)
- Let \(X.shape=(M,n)=(M,s_1)\)
- Implies \(X[i].shape=(s_1,)\)
- Implies \(X[i]=\text{vector of length}\ s_1\)
- Let \(Y.shape=(M,c)=(M,s_L)\)
- Implies \(Y[i].shape=(s_L,)\)
- Implies \(Y[i]=\text{vector of length}\ s_L\)
- for \(l\) in \(range(1,L+1)\):
- Let \(a[l].shape=(s_l,1)\)
- Let \(\delta[l].shape=(s_l,1)\)
Pseudo-Code (Pythonic)
- for \(l\) in \(range(1,(L-1)+1)\)
- Let \(grad\_sum\_W[l]=0\)
- for \(e\) in \(range(1,E+1)\):
- for \(M_i, (x,y)\) in \(enumerate(zip(X,Y))\):
- Let \(a[1]=x[:,None]\)
- for \(l\) in \(range(2,L+1)\):
- Compute \(a[l]=sigmoid(np.matmul(W[l-1],a[l-1]))\)
- Compute \(\delta[L]=a[L]-y[:,None]\)
- for \(l\) in \(range(2,(L-1)+1)\):
- Compute \(\delta[l]=np.matmul(W[l].T,\delta[l+1])*a[l]*(1-a[l])\)
- for \(l\) in \(range(1,(L-1)+1)\)
- Update \(grad\_sum\_W[l]+=np.matmul(\delta[l+1],a[l].T)\)
- if \((M_i+1)\ \%\ m == 0\):
- for \(l\) in \(range(1,(L-1)+1)\)
- Compute \(W[l]=W[l]-\alpha*\frac{1}{m}*grad\_sum\_W[l]\)
- Let \(grad\_sum\_W[l]=0\)
- for \(l\) in \(range(1,(L-1)+1)\)
- for \(M_i, (x,y)\) in \(enumerate(zip(X,Y))\):
Notation (Mathematical)
- same notation as NN Notation
- \(A^{T}\) : matrix transpose
- \(AB\) : matrix multiplication of matrices \(A\) and \(B\)
- \(A \circ B\) : element wise multiplication of matrices \(A\) and \(B\)
- \(\sigma()\) : sigmoid function
Training Data (Mathematical)
- All training samples: \((X_1,Y_1),(X_2,Y_2),\ldots,(X_M,Y_M)\)
- Each training sample has features: \((x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)\)
- Each training sample has labels: \((y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_n)\)
Matrix Visualizations (Mathematical)
\[\begin{align} W^{(l)} &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(l)}_{11} & W^{(l)}_{21} & W^{(l)}_{31} & \ldots & W^{(l)}_{s_l1} \\ W^{(l)}_{12} & W^{(l)}_{22} & W^{(l)}_{32} \\ W^{(l)}_{13} & W^{(l)}_{23} & W^{(l)}_{33} \\ \vdots & & &\ddots \\ W^{(l)}_{1s_{l+1}} & & & & W^{(l)}_{s_ls_{l+1}} \\ \end{bmatrix} \\\\ X_i &= \begin{bmatrix} x_1 & x_2 & x_3 & \ldots & x_n \end{bmatrix} \\\\ Y_i &= \begin{bmatrix} y_1 & y_2 & y_3 & \ldots & y_c \end{bmatrix} \\\\ a^{(l)} &= \begin{bmatrix} a^{(l)}_1 \\ a^{(l)}_2 \\ a^{(l)}_3 \\ \ldots \\ a^{(l)}_{s_{l}} \end{bmatrix} \\\\ \delta^{(l)} &= \begin{bmatrix} \delta^{(l)}_1 \\ \delta^{(l)}_2 \\ \delta^{(l)}_3 \\ \ldots \\ \delta^{(l)}_{s_{l}} \end{bmatrix} \\\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}}E &= \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{11}}E & \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{21}}E & \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{31}}E & \ldots & \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{s_l1}}E \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{12}}E & \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{22}}E & \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{32}}E \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{13}}E & \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{23}}E & \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{33}}E \\ \vdots & & &\ddots \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{1s_{l+1}}}E & & & & \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}_{s_ls_{l+1}}}E \\ \end{bmatrix} \\\\ \end{align}\]Pseudo-Code (Mathematical)
- \(\forall\ l\in\{1,\ldots,L-1\}\),
- Let \(\frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}}E = 0\)
- For every epoch:
- For every train sample \((X_i,Y_i)\) in \((X_1,Y_1),\ldots,(X_M,Y_M)\):
- Let \(a_1^{(1)}=x_1,\ a_2^{(1)}=x_2,\ \ldots,\ a_{s_1}^{(1)}=x_n\)
- \(\forall\ l\in\{2,\ldots,L\}\),
- Compute \(a^{(l)}=\sigma(W^{(l-1)}a^{(l-1)})\)
- Compute \(\delta^{(L)}=a^{(L)}-Y_i^T\)
- \(\forall\ l\in\{2,\ldots,L-1\}\),
- Compute \(\delta^{(l)} = W^{(l)T}\delta^{(l+1)} \circ a^{(l)} \circ (1-a^{(l)})\)
- \(\forall\ l\in\{1,\ldots,L-1\}\),
- Update \(\frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}}E = \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}}E+\delta^{(l+1)}a^{(l)T}\)
- If computed gradients for \(m\) training samples:
- \(\forall\ l\in\{1,\ldots,L-1\}\),
- Update \(W^{(l)}\leftarrow W^{(l)}-\alpha\circ\frac{1}{m}\circ\frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}}E\)
- Let \(\frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(l)}}E = 0\)
- \(\forall\ l\in\{1,\ldots,L-1\}\),
- For every train sample \((X_i,Y_i)\) in \((X_1,Y_1),\ldots,(X_M,Y_M)\):
\[\text{WWTP: all matrix multiplications make sense} \\ \text{Take pythonic expression, "plug" in the shapes: }\] \[\begin{align} a[l] &= sigmoid(np.matmul(W[l-1],a[l-1])) \\ (s_l,1) &= sigmoid(np.matmul((s_l,s_{l-1}),(s_{l-1},1))) \\ (s_l,1) &= sigmoid((s_l,1)) \\ (s_l,1) &= (s_l,1) \ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \delta[l] &= np.matmul(W[l].T,\delta[l+1])*a[l]*(1-a[l]) \\ (s_l,1) &= np.matmul((s_{l+1},s_l).T,(s_{l+1},1))*(s_l,1)*(1-(s_l,1)) \\ (s_l,1) &= np.matmul((s_l,s_{l+1}),(s_{l+1},1))*(s_l,1)*(1-(s_l,1)) \\ (s_l,1) &= (s_l,1)*(s_l,1)*(1-(s_l,1)) \\ (s_l,1) &= (s_l,1)*(s_l,1)*(s_l,1) \\ (s_l,1) &= (s_l,1) \ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} grad\_sum\_W[l] &+= np.matmul(\delta[l+1],a[l].T) \\ (s_{l+1},s_l) &+= np.matmul((s_{l+1},1),(s_l,1).T) \\ (s_{l+1},s_l) &+= np.matmul((s_{l+1},1),(1,s_l)) \\ (s_{l+1},s_l) &+= (s_{l+1},s_l) \ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\ \end{align}\]“Proof”.
\[\text{WWTP: pseudo-code calculates partial derivatives correctly} \\ \text{Informal proof, } \\ \text{use pseudo-code to calculate partial derivatives for sample NN,} \\ \text{check results match with raw calculations.}\\\\\] \[\text{WWTP: Pseudo-Code yields}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{11}}E &= \left(\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})}\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(\left(W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot a_1^{(3)}(1-a_1^{(3)}) \cdot W_{11}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot a_2^{(3)}(1-a_2^{(3)}) \cdot W_{12}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot a_3^{(3)}(1-a_3^{(3)}) \cdot W_{13}^{(2)}\right)\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(2)}(1-a_1^{(2)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(1)}\right) \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{21}}E &= \left(\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})}\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(\left(W_{11}^{(3)} \cdot a_1^{(3)}(1-a_1^{(3)}) \cdot W_{11}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{21}^{(3)} \cdot a_2^{(3)}(1-a_2^{(3)}) \cdot W_{12}^{(2)}\right) + \left(W_{31}^{(3)} \cdot a_3^{(3)}(1-a_3^{(3)}) \cdot W_{13}^{(2)}\right)\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_1^{(2)}(1-a_1^{(2)})\right) \\ &\phantom{0000} \cdot \left(a_2^{(1)}\right) \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(3)}_{11}}E &= \left(\frac{a_1^{(4)}-y}{a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})}\right) \cdot \left(a_1^{(4)}(1-a_1^{(4)})\right) \cdot \left( a_1^{(3)}\right) \\\\ &=(a_1^{(4)}-y)a_1^{(3)} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Executing Pseudo-Code (Mathematical):} \\ \text{Forward Propagation, calculating activations:}\] \[\begin{align} a^{(1)} &= \begin{bmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ x_3 \end{bmatrix} \\\\ a^{(2)} &= \sigma(W^{(1)}a^{(1)}) \\ &=\sigma\left( \begin{bmatrix} W^{(1)}_{11} & W^{(1)}_{21} & W^{(1)}_{31} \\ W^{(1)}_{12} & W^{(1)}_{22} & W^{(1)}_{32} \\ W^{(1)}_{13} & W^{(1)}_{23} & W^{(1)}_{33} \\ W^{(1)}_{14} & W^{(1)}_{24} & W^{(1)}_{34} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ x_3 \end{bmatrix} \right) \\ &=\sigma\left( \begin{bmatrix} W^{(1)}_{11}x_1 + W^{(1)}_{21}x_2 + W^{(1)}_{31}x_3 \\ W^{(1)}_{12}x_1 + W^{(1)}_{22}x_2 + W^{(1)}_{32}x_3 \\ W^{(1)}_{13}x_1 + W^{(1)}_{23}x_2 + W^{(1)}_{33}x_3 \\ W^{(1)}_{14}x_1 + W^{(1)}_{24}x_2 + W^{(1)}_{34}x_3 \\ \end{bmatrix} \right) \\ &=\begin{bmatrix} \sigma\left(W^{(1)}_{11}x_1 + W^{(1)}_{21}x_2 + W^{(1)}_{31}x_3\right) \\ \sigma\left(W^{(1)}_{12}x_1 + W^{(1)}_{22}x_2 + W^{(1)}_{32}x_3\right) \\ \sigma\left(W^{(1)}_{13}x_1 + W^{(1)}_{23}x_2 + W^{(1)}_{33}x_3\right) \\ \sigma\left(W^{(1)}_{14}x_1 + W^{(1)}_{24}x_2 + W^{(1)}_{34}x_3\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} \\\\ a^{(3)} &= \sigma(W^{(2)}a^{(2)}) \\ &=\sigma\left( \begin{bmatrix} W^{(2)}_{11} & W^{(2)}_{21} & W^{(2)}_{31} & W^{(2)}_{41} \\ W^{(2)}_{12} & W^{(2)}_{22} & W^{(2)}_{32} & W^{(2)}_{42} \\ W^{(2)}_{13} & W^{(2)}_{23} & W^{(2)}_{33} & W^{(2)}_{43} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a^{(2)}_1 \\ a^{(2)}_2 \\ a^{(2)}_3 \\ a^{(2)}_4 \end{bmatrix} \right) \\ &=\sigma\left( \begin{bmatrix} W^{(2)}_{11}a^{(2)}_1 + W^{(2)}_{21}a^{(2)}_2 + W^{(2)}_{31}a^{(2)}_3 + W^{(2)}_{41}a^{(2)}_4 \\ W^{(2)}_{12}a^{(2)}_1 + W^{(2)}_{22}a^{(2)}_2 + W^{(2)}_{32}a^{(2)}_3 + W^{(2)}_{42}a^{(2)}_4 \\ W^{(2)}_{13}a^{(2)}_1 + W^{(2)}_{23}a^{(2)}_2 + W^{(2)}_{33}a^{(2)}_3 + W^{(2)}_{43}a^{(2)}_4 \\ \end{bmatrix} \right) \\ &=\begin{bmatrix} \sigma\left(W^{(2)}_{11}a^{(2)}_1 + W^{(2)}_{21}a^{(2)}_2 + W^{(2)}_{31}a^{(2)}_3 + W^{(2)}_{41}a^{(2)}_4\right) \\ \sigma\left(W^{(2)}_{12}a^{(2)}_1 + W^{(2)}_{22}a^{(2)}_2 + W^{(2)}_{32}a^{(2)}_3 + W^{(2)}_{42}a^{(2)}_4\right) \\ \sigma\left(W^{(2)}_{13}a^{(2)}_1 + W^{(2)}_{23}a^{(2)}_2 + W^{(2)}_{33}a^{(2)}_3 + W^{(2)}_{43}a^{(2)}_4\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} \\\\ a^{(4)} &= \sigma(W^{(3)}a^{(3)}) \\ &=\sigma\left( \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11} & W^{(3)}_{21} & W^{(3)}_{31} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a^{(3)}_1 \\ a^{(3)}_2 \\ a^{(3)}_3 \end{bmatrix} \right) \\ &=\sigma\left( \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1 + W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2 + W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3 \\ \end{bmatrix} \right) \\ &=\begin{bmatrix} \sigma\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1 + W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2 + W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Backpropagation, calculating errors:}\] \[\begin{align} \delta^{(4)} &= a^{(4)}-Y_i^T \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \sigma\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1 + W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2 + W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} -\begin{bmatrix}y_1\end{bmatrix}^T \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \sigma\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1 + W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2 + W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} -\begin{bmatrix}y_1\end{bmatrix} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} a^{(4)}_1 - y_1 \\ \end{bmatrix}\\\\ &\text{For simplicity and consistency, Let $y=y_1$:} \\ \delta^{(4)} &= a^{(4)}_1 - y \\\\ \delta^{(3)} &= W^{(3)T}\delta^{(4)} \circ a^{(3)} \circ (1-a^{(3)}) \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11} & W^{(3)}_{21} & W^{(3)}_{31} \\ \end{bmatrix}^T \begin{bmatrix} a^{(4)}_1 - y \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ a^{(3)} \circ (1-a^{(3)}) \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11} \\ W^{(3)}_{21} \\ W^{(3)}_{31} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a^{(4)}_1 - y \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ a^{(3)} \circ (1-a^{(3)}) \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y) \\ W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y) \\ W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y) \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ a^{(3)} \circ (1-a^{(3)}) \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y) \\ W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y) \\ W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y) \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ \begin{bmatrix}a^{(3)}_1 \\ a^{(3)}_2 \\ a^{(3)}_3 \end{bmatrix} \circ (1 - \begin{bmatrix}a^{(3)}_1 \\ a^{(3)}_2 \\ a^{(3)}_3 \end{bmatrix}) \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y) \\ W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y) \\ W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y) \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ \begin{bmatrix}a^{(3)}_1 \\ a^{(3)}_2 \\ a^{(3)}_3 \end{bmatrix} \circ \begin{bmatrix}1 - a^{(3)}_1 \\ 1 - a^{(3)}_2 \\ 1 - a^{(3)}_3 \end{bmatrix} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1) \\ W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2) \\ W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3) \\ \end{bmatrix}\\\\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \delta^{(2)} &= W^{(2)T}\delta^{(3)} \circ a^{(2)} \circ (1-a^{(2)}) \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(2)}_{11} & W^{(2)}_{21} & W^{(2)}_{31} & W^{(2)}_{41} \\ W^{(2)}_{12} & W^{(2)}_{22} & W^{(2)}_{32} & W^{(2)}_{42} \\ W^{(2)}_{13} & W^{(2)}_{23} & W^{(2)}_{33} & W^{(2)}_{43} \\ \end{bmatrix}^T \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1) \\ W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2) \\ W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3) \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ a^{(2)} \circ (1-a^{(2)}) \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(2)}_{11} & W^{(2)}_{12} & W^{(2)}_{13} \\ W^{(2)}_{21} & W^{(2)}_{22} & W^{(2)}_{23} \\ W^{(2)}_{31} & W^{(2)}_{32} & W^{(2)}_{33} \\ W^{(2)}_{41} & W^{(2)}_{42} & W^{(2)}_{43} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1) \\ W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2) \\ W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3) \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ a^{(2)} \circ (1-a^{(2)}) \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right) \\ \left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{21}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{22}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{23}\right)\right) \\ \left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{31}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{32}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{33}\right)\right) \\ \left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{41}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{42}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{43}\right)\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ a^{(2)} \circ (1-a^{(2)}) \\\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{21}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{22}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{23}\right)\right) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{31}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{32}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{33}\right)\right) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{41}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{42}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{43}\right)\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ a^{(2)} \circ (1-a^{(2)}) \\\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{21}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{22}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{23}\right)\right) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{31}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{32}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{33}\right)\right) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{41}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{42}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{43}\right)\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} \circ \begin{bmatrix}a^{(2)}_1 \\ a^{(2)}_2 \\ a^{(2)}_3 \\ a^{(2)}_4\end{bmatrix} \circ (1-\begin{bmatrix}a^{(2)}_1 \\ a^{(2)}_2 \\ a^{(2)}_3 \\ a^{(2)}_4\end{bmatrix}) \\\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_1(1-a^{(2)}_1) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{21}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{22}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{23}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_2(1-a^{(2)}_2) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{31}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{32}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{33}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_3(1-a^{(2)}_3) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{41}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{42}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{43}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_4(1-a^{(2)}_4) \\ \end{bmatrix} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Calculating partial derivatives using errors:}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(3)}}E &= \delta^{(4)}a^{(3)T} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix}a^{(4)}_1 - y \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}a^{(3)}_1 \\ a^{(3)}_2 \\ a^{(3)}_3\end{bmatrix}^T \\ &= \begin{bmatrix}a^{(4)}_1 - y \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}a^{(3)}_1 & a^{(3)}_2 & a^{(3)}_3\end{bmatrix} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1 & (a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2 & (a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3\end{bmatrix} \\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(2)}}E &= \delta^{(3)}a^{(2)T} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1) \\ W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2) \\ W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3) \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a^{(2)}_1 \\ a^{(2)}_2 \\ a^{(2)}_3 \\ a^{(2)}_4 \end{bmatrix}^T \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1) \\ W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2) \\ W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3) \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a^{(2)}_1 & a^{(2)}_2 & a^{(2)}_3 & a^{(2)}_4 \end{bmatrix} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \left(W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)a^{(2)}_1\right) & \left(W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)a^{(2)}_2\right) & \left(W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)a^{(2)}_3\right) & \left(W^{(3)}_{11}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)a^{(2)}_4\right) \\ \left(W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)a^{(2)}_1\right) & \left(W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)a^{(2)}_2\right) & \left(W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)a^{(2)}_3\right) & \left(W^{(3)}_{21}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)a^{(2)}_4\right) \\ \left(W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)a^{(2)}_1\right) & \left(W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)a^{(2)}_2\right) & \left(W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)a^{(2)}_3\right) & \left(W^{(3)}_{31}(a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)a^{(2)}_4\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}}E &= \delta^{(2)}a^{(1)T} \\ &=\begin{bmatrix} (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_1(1-a^{(2)}_1) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{21}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{22}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{23}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_2(1-a^{(2)}_2) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{31}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{32}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{33}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_3(1-a^{(2)}_3) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{41}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{42}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{43}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_4(1-a^{(2)}_4) \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}a^{(1)}_1 \\ a^{(1)}_2 \\ a^{(1)}_3\end{bmatrix}^T \\ &=\begin{bmatrix} (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_1(1-a^{(2)}_1) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{21}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{22}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{23}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_2(1-a^{(2)}_2) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{31}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{32}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{33}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_3(1-a^{(2)}_3) \\ (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{41}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{42}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{43}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_4(1-a^{(2)}_4) \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}a^{(1)}_1 & a^{(1)}_2 & a^{(1)}_3\end{bmatrix} \\ &=\begin{bmatrix} \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_1(1-a^{(2)}_1)a^{(1)}_1\right) & \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_1(1-a^{(2)}_1)a^{(1)}_2\right) & \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_1(1-a^{(2)}_1)a^{(1)}_3\right) \\ \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{21}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{22}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{23}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_2(1-a^{(2)}_2)a^{(1)}_1\right) & \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{21}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{22}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{23}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_2(1-a^{(2)}_2)a^{(1)}_2\right) & \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{21}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{22}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{23}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_2(1-a^{(2)}_2)a^{(1)}_3\right) \\ \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{31}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{32}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{33}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_3(1-a^{(2)}_3)a^{(1)}_1\right) & \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{31}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{32}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{33}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_3(1-a^{(2)}_3)a^{(1)}_2\right) & \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{31}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{32}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{33}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_3(1-a^{(2)}_3)a^{(1)}_3\right) \\ \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{41}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{42}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{43}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_4(1-a^{(2)}_4)a^{(1)}_1\right) & \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{41}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{42}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{43}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_4(1-a^{(2)}_4)a^{(1)}_2\right) & \left((a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{41}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{42}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{43}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_4(1-a^{(2)}_4)a^{(1)}_3\right) \\ \end{bmatrix} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{According to calculations:}\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(3)}_{11}}E &= (a^{(4)}_1 - y)a^{(3)}_1 \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{11}}E &= (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_1(1-a^{(2)}_1)a^{(1)}_1 \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial W^{(1)}_{21}}E &= (a^{(4)}_1 - y)\left(\left(W^{(3)}_{11}a^{(3)}_1(1 - a^{(3)}_1)W^{(2)}_{11}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{21}a^{(3)}_2(1 - a^{(3)}_2)W^{(2)}_{12}\right) + \left(W^{(3)}_{31}a^{(3)}_3(1 - a^{(3)}_3)W^{(2)}_{13}\right)\right)a^{(2)}_1(1-a^{(2)}_1)a^{(1)}_2 \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Therefore the results from pseudo-code match raw calculations} \ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\\]Backprop Clarifying Discrepancies
According to pseudo-code:
\[\text{error} = \text{pred} - \text{label}\] \[\begin{align} \text{weights } &-= \text{learnrate} * \text{partial derivative} \\ &-= \text{learnrate} * (\text{pred} - \text{label})\ldots \\ \end{align}\]A variation that yields the same results (as seen in Udacity DL course):
\[\text{error} = \text{label} - \text{pred}\] \[\begin{align} \text{weights } &+= \text{learnrate} * \text{partial derivative} \\ &+= \text{learnrate} * (\text{label} - \text{pred})\ldots \\ \end{align}\]Both versions of pseudo-code yield identical results.
\[\text{In the end the pseudo-code's purpose,} \\ \text{is to calculate the partial derivative of error with respect to weights,} \\ \text{and this is done using the chain rule, for example:} \\\] \[\begin{align} \frac{\partial E}{\partial \hat{y}}&=\frac{\partial}{\partial \hat{y}}(-y\ln(\hat{y})-(1-y)\ln(1-\hat{y}))\\ &=\frac{\hat{y}-y}{\hat{y}(1-\hat{y})} \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{Therefore the following has to be true:} \\ \text{error} = \text{pred} - \text{label}\] \[\text{And to update the weights, we subtract the partial derivative from weight:}\] \[\begin{align} \text{weights } &-= \text{learnrate} * \text{partial derivative} \\ &-= \text{learnrate} * (\text{pred} - \text{label})\ldots \\\\ \end{align}\] \[\text{The previous steps validated the pseudo-code, but not the variation,} \\ \text{The variation is essentially the same, except the negative is "distributed":} \\\] \[\begin{align} \text{weights } &-= \text{learnrate} * \text{partial derivative} \\ &-= \text{learnrate} * (\text{pred} - \text{label})\ldots \\ &+= \text{learnrate} * -1(\text{pred} - \text{label})\ldots \\ &+= \text{learnrate} * (\text{label}-\text{pred})\ldots \\ &\implies \text{error} = \text{label}-\text{pred} \end{align}\] \[\text{And we find the variation yields the same results as the original.} \ \ \ \ \blacksquare\\\\\]Discovering Backprop Formula From Scratch
- Try manually computing single partial derivative (like before using the chain rule) for some sample neural network
- Try computing multiple partial derivatives
- Note the patterns, transform every part in chain rule into matrix multiplication to calculate all partial derivatives for a layer, for the sample NN
- Generalize calculations to NN of any size
- Notice how coming up with any algorithm requires: performing manually, then generalizing results
NN Toolkit
- Early stopping: choose model with lowest testing error, which indicates best generalization (result: model can avoid under and overfitting)
- Regularization: penalize larger weight values with higher error (result: prevent overfitting)
- L1 Regularization:
- \[E = -\frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m (1-y_i)\ln(1-\hat{y}_i) + y_i\ln(\hat{y}_i) + \lambda(|w_1|+\ldots+|w_n|)\]
- why L1? End up with sparse vectors \(\implies\) small weights tend to go to 0 \(\implies\) reduction in number of weights (also \(\implies\) good for feature selection, as non-zero weight indicates important feature)
- L2 Regularization:
- \[E = -\frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m (1-y_i)\ln(1-\hat{y}_i) + y_i\ln(\hat{y}_i) + \lambda(w_1^2+\ldots+w_n^2)\]
- why L2? Makes all weights equally small \(\implies\) doesn’t favor sparse vectors \(\implies\) better results for training models
- why absolute value of L1 causes sparse vectors? it treats the weights \((1,0)\) and \((0.5,0.5)\) as equal errors of \(\|1\|+\|0\|=\|0.5\|+\|0.5\|=1\) whereas L2 treats \((1,0)=1^2+0^2=1\) as worse error compared to \((0.5,0.5)=0.5^2+0.5^2=0.5\)
- L1 Regularization:
- Dropout: set probability, probability designates whether neuron is dropped each epoch, the dropped neuron does not train causing other neurons to receive more training (result: reduces overfitting)
- Activation Functions:
- tanh (hyperbolic tangent function): larger gradients, towards ends, compared to sigmoid \(tanh(x)=\frac{e^x-e^{-x}}{e^x+e^{-x}}\)
- ReLU (rectified linear unit): \(relu(x)=\begin{cases}x & \text{if $x\geq0$}.\\0 & \text{if $x<0$}.\end{cases}\)
- Batch gradient descent: computes the gradient using the whole dataset
- Stochastic gradient descent (SGD): computes the gradient using a single sample, or minibatch of samples (larger minibatch size allows you to avoid local minima)
- Random restart: train from different initializations of same model
- Momentum:
- as you descend gradient, “gain momentum” and barrel through local minima to global minima
- average most recent gradients to calculate “momentum”
- with the more recent gradients having larger weights in a weighted average
- \(\beta\) parameter : \(\text{step}(n) = \text{step}(n) + \beta\text{step}(n-1)+\beta^2\text{step}(n-2)+\ldots\)
Creating NN
- outline how you (as a human) would solve problem
- validate your assumptions through the data (never make any assumptions, about data, models, etc…, unless you can fully justify)
- build initial NN to capture signal (signal = useful info)
- debug and improve NN :
- (do not focus on tune hyperparamters)
- re-structure either data, or NN to make it easier for the NN to find right signals (the ones you use to solve the problem) and reduce noise
- (literally like the sentiment NN, using your head, changing one “+” sign drastically increased results)
- (goes to show you sometimes the key to winning is really using your mind, especially in kaggle competitions, the parameter tuning stuff you can learn how to do)
- if (satisfied with accuracy) and (need faster):
- simplify neural network to maintain same amount of signal, and reduce training time